Monday, December 21, 2009

I'm Back! And still having problems posting... :)

I didn't have the internet in my home for six months. But it helped me to get past my internet addiction...kind of. I'm back with a semi-new perspective, due to my new Christian status, and am eager to share my opinions and experiences.

I am new to blogging so bare with me. I am also very excited about 2010, and the new adventures and experiences that it brings. I still want to fill dark-skinned Black women with pride and remind them that they are beautiful. This is the point of this blog.

Of course, I expect to get off course when something outrages me and I just have to write about it. Oh and I saw The Princess and the Frog and I was not pleased! The thing that I think bothered me most was that many Black people were unfazed like "at least they gave us something." I hate to be nerdy but, that is stinkin thinkin. I want the best and I want equal treatment and I will not accept the scraps that are given to me with a happy face. Disney is making millions off of this film... I will save the rest for a post. The point is that I'm back and ready to share and have people share with me.