Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What it is like...

...to be a dark skin girl...

Is to be undervalued and continually used,

For advice
For love
For guidance
For support

As a darker skinned woman I am constantly the giver of advice and the giver of support.

I am rarely the receiver of compliments, especially from the Black Community. Almost every compliment I have ever received has been from a person from a different country or from a different race.

While it is true I am not one to dress up, when I do, I get attention. The problem here is that I am not recognized for the natural way I look. I know that if I was of a lighter complexion or a different race this would not be the case. Unfortunately, this is true for all Black women. When I am natural, the compliments I get are NEVER from any Black person.

While I do receive support, I am often expected to be a STRONG BLACK WOMEN; I am expected to take care of everything and everyone and not expect a thing in return.
I am not expected to be a person of confidence. I have had several instances, a few recently, in which a person (usually Black) has expected me to feel bad about myself. This is not the case.

At one point in my life I was not completely confident, but it was a friend (white woman) who constantly complimented me until I felt utter confidence in myself. I will always be grateful to her for this.

Sometimes as a dark skinned woman it feels as if I am hated by my own community. But that is okay. Because 2009 is all about us. :) Love yourself. To do this you need to make decisions that uplift you and the people around you. You need to exclude the things or people around you that make you feel lesser than you should.

Grab the world, take your dreams, and get out there to make them true.


  1. Thanks for your excellent blog! It is necessary to keep reminding everyone that dark skinned BW are beautiful, desirable, and worthy of love/respect. All BW should REJECT the LIES, MYTHS, and STEREOTYPES that seek to DEMEAN, DEGRADE, and DISRESPECT dark skinned BW. Dark skinned BW should continue to reject ALL who would use/abuse them and only accept those who are interested in loving, respecting and supporting them.

  2. This is a beautiful post and a wonderful blog...thank you for the idea and the ability to do such!

  3. I have put your blog under my favorites. This blog is certainly needed. I'll give my own personal testimony later. =)

  4. Thank you all for your encouragement! I would love to hear and to post any testimonies anyone would want to share.

  5. I love this blog and thank you for creating it. As a dark-skinned Black woman, I've had to endure all kinds of comments from other Black people and I've had to rise above them and tell myself that those negative things they wanted me to believe about myself were not true.
