Sunday, January 3, 2010

Please Don't Believe the Hype

I didn't find the segment offensive and just waaayyy off base like I thought I would, but I can't help but think, Black women, please do not believe the hype. There are Black plenty of Black women who are married and happily so. I have seen them, I know them, and you do too.

However, I also know a number of Black women who are unmarried and haven't dated in quite some time. I refuse to believe it is because men that aren't Black don't find Black women attractive. I am a Black woman and men from all ethnicities and backgrounds hit on me all the time. So I personally know that this is not true. There are a few factors that I do believe add to the causing of Black women to remain single. In no specific order...

1. Not knowing how to properly "vet" a man: Before a woman commits herself to a man she has to know certain things about him.

What is important in his life? Does he want to get married? Does he

want kids? Does he have kids? If so how often does he see them? If he

seems vague about becoming serious then you know that he is not the

one for you. You should not be intense, about you’re questioning. Just let

him talk. Listen to what he says. Dating is really a job interview, it is not

really about romance and you should not make it about such. But most

women are looking for "the one." And they are eager and willing to put

someone in the role who doesn't belong there. Then they have spent all this

time dating a man who never had the intentions of giving them what they

wanted in the first place. If you meet a man, "vet" him, if he doesn't add up,

let him go. There are too many men, to get caught up on one.

2. Not dealing with negative experiences and the negative emotions that they have caused.

Trust me when I say that I have been through hell when it comes to the men

I have been with. But I have been through more hell dealing with family

members and family drama. These experiences have left their marks in my

life, but I work at healing the scares, dealing with the emotions they have

caused, learning from them and moving on.

I honestly believe that too many Black women don't deal with the negative

things that went on in their own households, things that happen when they

were children, teenagers, or even young adults. I don't know the Black

community to be big on soul searching when it comes to things that could

possibly make family members or even community members look bad. But

we all know that protecting someone who has hurt you does nothing for

healing and inner development.

If you do not deal with the negative things that went on in your household you

are bound to repeat them. Because you will attract people who have the same

wounds and emotionally problems that you have.

3. Sticking with a man who is not right for them for far too long.

I know someone who was in an abusive relationship for thirteen years. The

whole time she was with a man who was beating her behind, there was

more than one man who was interested in her. These men had good jobs,

were kind and knew how to treat a woman. While the man she was with,

was selling drugs to make a living, part of the time, and had her supporting

him the rest of the time. Yet, she was hesitant to leave him. I have also seen

women who were mildly unhappy in their relationships.

While one is extreme and one is minor they both point to women who are too insecure to leave something that is no longer working for them. I think that having a man can

be a huge deal in the Black community. It's like, you can have everything in

the world, but if you don't have a man you are nothing. It makes women

hesitant to leave someone who is not right for them for fear that they will not

find someone else. THIS IS NOT TRUE!!! If you turned your head to the

right, you would probably see five single men.

4. Having children out of wedlock.

This is a sensitive topic. But if you have a bunch of kids it will become more

difficult to meet a man eager to marry you. It's just the truth. Sorry, that is

just the way it is. Not impossible, but it becomes harder. And don't think that

if you have kids with a man that that will keep him there. It is actually the

opposite. If you have kids with him, many men feel like they got you, and

that you aren't going anywhere, so guess what? Then they REALLY don't

feel like they have to lock you down with the ole ball and chain.

5. Not expecting to meet a "good" man.

I have never been attracted to the bad boys. I have always liked the nerd, I

knew that over time they would make more money. But many women are.

Okay, women can have their phase, but eventually they have to learn from

their mistakes and make better choices. But I have honestly seen, women

chose the same type of man over and over again, the bad ones, and then SWEAR

that all men are like that. I've seen women never realize that it's the choices

they make as much as it is the men they find. In the end it all goes back to

Vetting and to attracting the wounds that are in your life. How can you attract

something that you don't expect to find?

6. Having a stank-ass attitude.

Another sensitive topic, LOL, now I know that most Black women are not

"ghetto," attitude bound, neck rolling Sapphires. But, I have seen a large

number of them who just look unpleasant. At my church, there were plenty of

beautiful Black women who just looked mean. They were not inviting at all. I understand this. Sometimes as Black women, we get used to having to be tough. Or give off that aura of being the strong Black woman. There is nothing wrong with being a strong woman.

As Black women we really do have to be strong. But you have to look friendly and inviting. If you want a man to approach you, then look approachable! Smile and look happy, if you are not happy, then maybe you should not be pursuing a relationship. Maybe you should be working on finding and maintaining your own happiness on your own. Without a man, that is what I am working on. Being with God. I know that a man will come later. I know cause I meet them everyday, and become tempted!

There will be a part two so stay tuned.


  1. "Maybe you should be working on finding and maintaining your own happiness on your own. Without a man, that is what I am working on. Being with God. I know that a man will come later. I know cause I meet them everyday, and become tempted!"
    good post, i think bw need to love ourselves and stop waiting on others to validate our worth. We are made beautiful because we are created in God's image and he loves us just the way we are. I, myself, need to work on putting this in practice, but that is the only thing I believe is going to bring true peace.

  2. Oh thank you! This topic is something that is very close to my heart. I see many Black women who make bad choices when it comes to men, then end up bitter, sad, and lonely.

    You have to treat yourself well. Love yourself because in the bible it says that God knew what he was doing when he create you. From your toes to every single hair on your head is by God's design. How can you second guess God?

    Besides if you don't love yourself it will be hard to meet someone who will love you. And there is someone out there. I believe that there are several people out there for one person.

  3. hey, have you seen this video? this sista is on point with this video about that propaganda...

  4. I have to agree with Sicily, having a relationship with God, if you want a husband, you will get one. I strongly believe Eternal Spirit that these videos are there to make us feel, poor us! We are beautiful creations for Elohim and why wouldn't God want the best for us. Lovely blog by the way.

  5. Amen that is so true valeriesworld. I personally am still trying to learn to wait on God to bring me what he wants for me in his own time. I know sometimes I just want things so badly and I need check myself and pray that God will remind all things good will come from serving him and with time and patience he WILL bring me true satisafction which only comes from a relationship with him. I think we need to work on this truly.

  6. I personally believe that many of our problems as black women stem from the fact that we have let the world tell us that is' unacceptable to love ourselves. We have let the world tell us not to love our natural beauty, we have let the world tell us that we are too ugly to be worth loving, that we aren't smart, that we aren't worthy of affection and respect as women. It's as if there has been so much hatred and vile thrown at black women from so many years of abuse and mistreatment that we have begun to see ourselves (some of us) through the eyes of those who seek to destroy us. This is why I believe some of us don't take the time to care for our own physical being (our temple) whether that be by eating healthy and keeping active to stay healthy and strong or making positive and healthy choices when it comes to our relationship with others. Ofcourse lack of resources and information plays a crucial role in all of this. If we allow men, society and the world in general to determine our value as women and human being we will never get anywhere. We can't wait for white, asian, black or any other group of men to satisfy and fufill us because its not going to happen and no one can truly fufill you. We need to start loving ourselves as we were made in God's image and he loves us just as we are. Once we wake up and realize that we are royalty and beautiful in God's eyes we will start living like royalty and that joy will spill over into all aspects of our lives.

  7. I also think knowledge of our history and self is so important. If we educated one another about our origins and ancestry I honestly believe it would change peopel's lives. We need to start sharing stories like Makeda, the black queen of the sheba, and women who looks like us that have made a difference, women like Claudette Colvin, Melba Patillo, Ruby Bridges, Chimanda Adichie, Ya Asantwe. All these women we need to start pumping these images into our young girls minds, so they know they can achieve anything and that they are worth something. that is the only way we're going to see change. We need more dolls like this...and to share this info with our youth
