Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Ex is a...

Hater! And I told him so. We were together for six years. Six long years. And in that time he never asked me my opinion on anything important. He made decisions that included both of us, and somehow managed to not include me in the decision process. He is poor with money. Really poor. He is deep in debt.

And that is my fault, according to him.

We broke up because I wanted to finish pursing my education. He was shocked. We met at school. So I was confused. He never thought I would finish... he never thought I would finish...
When we broke up, he thought that somehow I would fall apart. That I couldn't make it in this big bad world.

But somehow, I did.

I finished my Bachelors. And am working to eliminate my debt. When I told him this he went crazy. I plan to work all summer, at four different places to get rid of my debt. I plan to sacrifice, but still get sleep of course. Because now is the time to work with people and pay off things. This economy is perfect for it.

HE WENT CRAZY. At first I was shocked. We are friends... aren't we? Why then is he screaming at me? Then I realized it is because he is not happy for me. I can't possibly do better than him in any sphere of my life. He won't hear of it. Because I am not suppose to be better than him at anything.

In his yells, I feel anger. I told him to man up. To fix his own problems because I would no longer allow him to constantly place the blame for the problems in his life on me. It wasn't fair. It isn't fair. I have problems too. He was there when those problems were created. But I don't expect him to fix them. I don't expect anything from him.

In his yells, I want to be better, do better. I want to come out on top. I want to accomplish everything I set out to accomplish. I want to get everything he tried to prevent me from having. And deep down, I know I will. I will.

And when I do, I will smile a deep satisfied smile. Because I overcame myself, to overcome his expectations. Yes, my ex is a hater.

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